Kitchen Safety Rules

Just a reminder, there are two refrigerators in the kitchen, one for food for Sunday Coffee Hour and one for Special Events. To keep food fresh and safe, if you leave food in either refrigerator and it is unmarked by the user and not labeled for an event, it could possibly be tossed. There is a sign on the refrigerators asking all food be labeled by user and dated.
Please designate the use of the food and the owner of the food.
If you are donating food for the Sunday Coffee Hour, please label.
If food is in either refrigerator and it is not yours, do not feel free to eat from the container. This contaminates the food and it is unusable and unsanitary and will be thrown out. UUFSD aims to keep all foods safe.

Also, if you use the towels or table clothes and someone takes them home to be cleaned, please return as soon as possible for other events that might need them.
If you are using the kitchen for an event, please stay until all the dishes are cleaned, and returned to the cabinets, do not leave dirty dishes in the dishwasher as this attracts ants and other rodents. Take all trash, either to be recycled or thrown away after your event to the trash containers on the hill. Do not leave trash in the kitchen or beside the kitchen doors as this attracts other animals and trash is strewn over the Core area.
The kitchen elves need the clean dishwashers for use most Sunday mornings.
The Kitchen Elves have worked hard sanitizing everything and asking for donations to provide new towels, drying clothes and other materials for use.
Please take CARE of our newly remodeled kitchen, leave it clean and everything returned to its place.
If you need help with an event or finding the equipment or the towels, dishes, etc, please contact Louise at or call 619-672-2084.