Join Us for Lively Book Discussions

The UUFSD Book Clubs are reading the following:

“1Q84”, by popular Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami, is set in 1984, and also some other ‘real’ place. Is it supernatural, dystopian, or just disturbing? The daytime group discusses this on Thursday, January 24th at 10am.

“I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life” by Ed Yong. Each animal and human body contains many microbiomes, so don’t think of germs, but of interconnected, interdependent multitudes! With awe and humor, the evening group will discuss this book on Monday, January 14th at 7pm.

Email if you have questions. You can also call or text Cathy Leach-Phillips at 650 224-1974.