AB 452 Parental Notification of Safe Firearm Storage


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AB 452 Parental Notification of Safe Firearm Storage

Last week, a 15-year-old gunman used a firearm purchased by his father to murder four of his classmates and injure seven others at Oxford High School in Michigan. Seventy six percent of school shootings are facilitated by kids having access to unsecured or unsupervised guns in the home.

We can help prevent the senseless violence we witnessed in Michigan from happening in California, but we need to act RIGHT NOW!

AB 452 would require California schools to notify parents about safe firearm storage laws. Last session, this bill was left behind. Now, your lawmakers need to hear from constituents like you to ensure that they bring this life-saving bill up for a vote immediately.


Every day in America, eight kids are unintentionally injured or killed due to “family fire,” or a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun in the home.

Email the members of the Education Committee now.

Call the Committee Chair, Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell, and tell him it’s critical that he brings up AB 452 for a hearing. This legislation will save lives. 916 319 2070.

Posted by John Post